Nano Environmental Technologies

Use of nanotechnology which combines the control of materials at the size of the nanometer to intriguing green standards is "Green nanotechnology". It correspondingly intimates to the utilization of the results of nanotechnology to upgrade conformity. Keeping up and augment soil, water, and air aspect speak to the absolute most commanding difficulties encountering worldwide society in the 21st century. Contagion from such assorted sources as oil and synthetic spills, pesticide and fertilizer overflow, abandonment modern and mining locales and airborne smoggy and particulate issue from cars worsen the coincidence once a day. Identifying and treating existing contaminants and counteracting new contagion are among the difficulties. Utilization of Nanomaterials in assorted fields, for example, enhance the creation and clarifying of energies and decrease of exoneration from cars, endurance stockpiling (batteries and Nano-empowered fuel cells), to give safe drinking water through enhanced water treatment, desalination, Nano-empowered protection and outline of Nano-materials for corruption distinguish and location.

    Related Conference of Nano Environmental Technologies

    September 15-16, 2025

    4th International Conference on Microfluidics

    Paris, France

    Nano Environmental Technologies Conference Speakers