Adel Younis
Australian College of Kuwait, Kuwait
Dr. Adel Younis, PhD, P.Eng., a faculty member and professional engineer and researcher in the province of British Columbia, Canada and former research
associate at both University of Victoria (UVic) and Simon Fraser University (SFU) in Canada. Dr. Younis has worked as a professional and lead project engineer in
oil and gas; renewable energy, hydroelectric; and mechanical sectors around the world. He has been teaching mechanical and materials engineering courses at
UVic, SFU and currently at Australian College of Kuwait (ACK). Dr. Younis’ areas of interest are engineering design, optimization of complex mechanical systems,
and renewable energy. He has published many research papers pertaining to mechanical, optimization and renewable energy. He has more than 18 years of work,
research and teaching experience in mechanical, materials and structural engineering areas.