Kurt Rolf Papsdorf
Zolair Energy Ltd.
Kurt Rolf Papsdorf is the founder and C.E.O. of AEDC in South Africa, ( 2000 ) and founder of ZOLAIR Energy in Vancouver B.C. Canada, ( 2014).AEDC was voted a top 100 technology company in S.A. and was finalist ( 2005) in the category : social innovations, sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology, ESKOM and Da Vinci.At present he is President of Zolair Energy Ltd. with main function in technical development and advisor to management partners. He was nominated as an ASHOKA fellow in South Africa in 2008. In 2014, he developed a new business model, patent pending, for a wireless activation of Zolair energy units and the sale of energy in watt hrs. including incremental payments on a pay as you go system.
Research Interest
Design of a fuel cell housing for zinc-air fuel cells, that are renewable and can receive new anodes, manually, through easy cartridge exchange